We LOVE to ride ANY DAY o’ the week! But one of my fave times of the year to ride is when the nephews and neices come to visit! Well, none of the neices have really taken to lovin’ it so much yet… but that’s okay, we get to hang out together and play games in the evenings.
It’s just SO much FUN when the boys come out cuz we all ride together in this huge pack! At first I think I was kind of annoyed by it… not a lot… just a little… cuz you’re always waiting for someone… and by saying “you’re”… I mean ME. Tom is THE. PERFECT. tour guide you’d ever want on the mountain for takin’ you around and showing the mountain… totally tailored to YOUR skills! But he’s not so much a care-taker type… so when one of them is struggling a bit… it’s MY job to hang back and make sure all is well.
Now mind you… there is a finesse to this act with teenage boys that I won’t say I’ve totally mastered yet… but I keep trying… well, honestly I’m not sure how well I’m “trying” cuz I do think letting their egos get SO huge is a bit ridiculous! But whatever, the reality is that while they do seem pretty stoked that their Aunt Jen can ride… their way more stoked to ride with Uncle Tommy… he is afterall… the schnizit!
Bottom line, I feel like we’re riding with our own posse’ and I just absolutely ADORE it! Just can’t wait for this year’s installments and sets of waves of various nephews and friends pairing and groupings throughout the holiday / school breaks over the season! Cuz my posse’s gonna be back together and we’re gonna RIDE!